"Tabo Takes" is One Down’s groundbreaking, original series where “opinionated” talents engage with taboo topics by selecting "hot takes" from a traditional Filipino item, the 'tabo,' commonly used in the bathroom. Participants then react and share their insights on these taboo topics, fostering empathy and understanding among viewers.
Read MoreComing off the hype of the premiere of Diamond Hunt, the reality show from kumu, distributed by ABS-CBN, audiences can look forward to more than just thrilling challenges and captivating drama. This February, "Diamond Hunt" proudly celebrates diversity and inclusivity in both its casting and leadership.
Read MoreThe last time you may have seen ABS-CBN and kumu come together on a reality tv show was in 2020 for Pinoy Big Brother, but kumu, the Filipino livestream app, is back with a new thrilling reality show, "Diamond Hunt," premiering this February 14 on ABS-CBN’s local channels.
Leading the “hunt” are the dynamic hosts—Sassa Gurl and Benedix Ramos.
Read MoreIt will be an exciting adventure with the contestants of "Diamond Hunt”, premiering this month. These diverse adventurers are ready to captivate audiences with their talents and determination and prove themselves worthy to be the last hunter standing. Meet the hunters, each with their unique backgrounds and motivations!
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