What if your Filipino Family was attacked?

Filipino Hate in May 2023

Filipinos rank third in reported Asian hate crimes in the US. This bleak reality calls for unity against hate and justice for our community. We’re highlighting the cases of Amadeo Quindara and the Roque Family.

May 30, 2023:

Amadeo Quindara, a 75-year-old Filipino American, was brutally attacked for speaking Tagalog by his white neighbor in Las Vegas. He endured a black eye and deep cuts on his forehead. Shockingly, the initial police response dismissed the threat, leading to a delayed restraining order. The charges were later reduced to a misdemeanor.

May 13, 2022:

The Roque family faced a violent assault based on their appearance. Despite calling the police, their slow response left the family to fend for themselves. Gabriel suffered a fractured rib, Nerissa was strangled, and the trauma lingers. The court failed to recognize their attack as a hate crime.

This resource is supported by the State of California, with collaboration from the California State Library, the California Department of Social Services, and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs under the Stop the Hate program.

To report hate incidents or crimes, visit CA vs Hate 📲 https://www.cavshate.org/

Stop the Hate Program Funding

The California Government Code § 8260 authorizes the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), in consultation with the Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs (CAPIAA), to administer the Stop the Hate (STH) Program that awards funding to qualified nonprofit organizations to provide support and services to victims and survivors of hate incidents and hate crimes and their families and facilitate hate incident or hate crime prevention measures.

Funded Support and Services may include:

  • Direct services for victims and survivors of hate incidents and hate crimes and their families, including mental and complementary health services; wellness and community healing; legal services; navigation, case management, and referrals;

  • Prevention services, including arts and cultural work, youth development, senior safety and escort programs, safety planning, training; and cross-racial alliance work; and

  • Intervention services, including outreach, training, restorative justice, coordination with local government and institutional partners, and coordinated regional rapid response.
