Confronting my Filipino Mom on my Childhood Trauma | One Down’s New Mental Health Series “Trauma Bond”
If your immigrant parents are forced to sit down and hear your childhood traumas, would they listen? This mental health series explores that. One Down releases a trailer for their newest series Trauma Bond, with participants from the Filipino community, raw and unfiltered.
Are Filipinos Marketable in Music?
Filipinos have an immense love for music. Go to any family gathering and you’ll find either a videoke machine or a tito strumming passionately on his guitar. But music itself has and always will be part of our cultural identity. And while most of us have continuously attempted to make a career out of it, plus the fact that a whole Asian-lead genre known as K-POP is currently succeeding, the music industry in America still doesn't seem to want to back us up. Why are we worth a viral 4-chair turning audition video but not worth promoting a debut album? Does this mean Filipinos can’t sell music or are we just not given the opportunity to?
Filipino Representation in Reality TV
In terms of reality TV, we commonly see Filipinos as participants on televised competitions and we are without a doubt, excellent at it! We however, have a long history of being perceived as reserved and lacking in personality, but we know well enough that just like the Kardashians our community is also capable of being entertaining while remaining genuine. It seems that our representation in reality TV remains an issue considering how we have other shows that highlight Filipino culture. It’s about time we too are recognized outside our competitive vocal and dance abilities and more on our chaotic Titas, our diverse cuisine and our many languages!