How Overseas Filipino Workers Fall Victim to Trafficking

Human trafficking is a term that often evokes images of forced prostitution, abductions, and the exploitation of vulnerable children. While these are undoubtedly critical aspects of the issue, it is vital to shed light on the less visible and unidentified victims who arrive in the United States on legitimate visas seeking employment.

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are highly susceptible to human trafficking scams. Seeking better opportunities and economic stability, OFWs often leave their families and homes only to face language barriers and limited social networks leaving them isolated. Combined with their lack of familiarity with local laws, customs, and employment regulations, traffickers are able to exploit these vulnerabilities and deceive them. It is essential to raise awareness, provide education, and establish support systems to protect and empower OFWs against human trafficking scams in their pursuit of a better life in America.

We’ve partnered with the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (Cast), the nation's largest provider of comprehensive, life-changing services to survivors of human trafficking, to raise awareness on the realities of human trafficking and encourage people to take action. The campaign focuses on educating the public on the realities of human trafficking, particularly labor trafficking which is often overlooked. Watch Avelino’s heartbreaking story of being betrayed by his fellow kababayan in the video below.

It becomes imperative for us to recognize and address the multifaceted nature of human trafficking. Comprehensive support must be extended to survivors through legal assistance, emergency response, and mental health counseling. Organizations such as the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (Cast) play a pivotal role in providing these services to survivors of human trafficking. Visit their website for more information here

Let us no longer overlook the invisible victims of human trafficking—the adults who come to the US seeking better opportunities, only to find themselves ensnared in a web of exploitation. By acknowledging the intersections of human trafficking, we can pave the way for a more compassionate society—one that actively works towards eradicating this heinous crime and providing comprehensive support to survivors. Together, we can break the chains that bind and restore dignity to those who have suffered far too long.

A special thank you to Cast, Philippine Post, Pilipino Workers Center, Manila Up Intl Magazine, and AAPI Equity Alliance for helping us bring awareness to this issue.